Internet In-Stock Specials
We have more than 15,000 square feet of Luxury Vinyl flooring in stock in 15 styles.
Most of our luxury vinyl flooring in stock is the click type.
Our in-stock Luxury Vinyl Flooring ranges in price from $2.00 to $5.00 per square foot.
Take a look for yourself at the vinyl flooring we offer in stock.
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ScubaSeal South Beach MSRP Price $6.00 Sale Price $3.00 per sq foot while supply lasts
ScubaSeal Miami Beach MSRP Price $6.00 Sale Price $3.00 per sq foot while supply lasts
ScubaSeal Outer Banks MSRP Price $6.00 Sale Price $3.00 per sq foot while supply lasts
ScubaSeal Venice Beach MSRP Price $6.00 Sale Price $3.00 per sq foot while supply lasts
Impact Plank Homestead Porch MSRP $6.50 Close Out $2.59 per sq foot while supply lasts
Reside 12 mil Assurance Glue Down MSRP $2.50 Clearance $0.99